Make sure you have hardware acceleration turned on in your browser settings! :)


You are a beaver and need to save the village from flooding. Chop the trees (using Space) and place the logs in lines, like in Tetris (using shift to enter move/rotate mode) to build your dam and den. Be careful of the foxes! If they catch you, it won't end well. If you see a fox run away and hide in your den(using Space)!

Made by

Art & Atmosphere - Katie Ross, Reece Clark, Zoë von Runkel, Mark Hunter

Programming - Wiktor Zborowski, Reece Clark

❤️Special thanks for the music in-game - created by Cameron McKendrick❤️

The game was inspired by Tetris, by Alexey Pajitnov.

The game jam was a great experience for all of us! We run into so many problems, missing semicolons, weird scales, but hey, that's where the fun bit comes! :)

A game made for COP26 Game Jam.


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Learned about beavers.  Played with logs.  Controls were a weeeee bit confusing - but I decided that's just because Beavers aren't so smart. And who am I to judge?

Thanks for the feedback and playing our game! <3


lovely idea and apposite

Thank you for your feedback! Glad you enjoyed it! 😊